Monday, September 3, 2018

Praying the Promises - Max Lucado and Andrea Lucado

This book is comprised of 30 promises laid out in a five-fold format: a verse, followed by a narrative called Unshakable Hope, then Promises from God, Praying God’s Promises, and an “I Am” statement. Its topics are fairly elementary, such as You Will Know God, God Will Guide You, God Is Near, God Gives Grace to the Humble, God Works Through You, Your Sins Are Forgiven, God Will Meet Your Needs, and Hope Is an Anchor for Your Soul. My opinion is that the promises the Lucados chose and the supporting verses and writings the authors offered are aimed at either those who are new to faith or those who need basic reassurance. Only one thought struck me as fresh, and it was on page 92: “Some of the most incredible invitations are found in the pages of the Bible. You can’t read about God without finding him issuing invitations. . . . God is a God who invites. . . .” Very occasionally, some of the words chosen seemed a little jarring because they were not used conventionally. As an example, on page 109, in a prayer, it says, “You’ve ridden me of the chains of sin that had taken me captive.” The author very likely meant “rid”. I received this book for free in exchange for my unbiased review through the Thomas Nelson BookSneeze Program.